Use Blue Light Glasses to Protect Sleep and Eyes

Protect Your Sleep and Eyes with Blue Light Glasses

In today’s digital age, screens have become an unavoidable part of our daily routine. From the moment we wake up and check our phones to the last email check before bedtime, our eyes are glued to digital devices. This constant exposure to screens is not just tiring for the eyes but can also disrupt our sleep patterns. Enter blue light glasses – an increasingly popular solution to this modern-day problem. In this piece, we’ll explore how these glasses work, why they might be beneficial, and how you can use them to safeguard your precious sleep and eye health.

Understanding Blue Light

To appreciate the benefits of blue light glasses, we first need to understand what blue light is. Blue light is a type of high-energy visible light with a short wavelength, which means it has more energy compared to other colors in the spectrum. This type of light is abundant during daylight hours, which helps to keep us alert and regulates our natural sleep-wake cycle known as the circadian rhythm.

However, the blue light from our screens is not the same as the natural light we get from the sun. The artificial blue light emitted by smartphones, tablets, computers, and LEDs is more concentrated and can have negative effects on our eyes and sleep.

The Impact of Blue Light on Eyes and Sleep

Staring at screens for extended periods can lead to digital eye strain, characterized by symptoms such as dry eyes, blurry vision, and headaches. Blue light can also penetrate all the way to the retina, which can potentially damage light-sensitive cells and lead to changes similar to those of macular degeneration.

When it comes to sleep, exposure to blue light can be particularly detrimental in the evening. That’s because blue light suppresses the production of melatonin, the hormone that tells our bodies it’s time to sleep. As a result, using electronic devices late into the night can make it harder for us to fall asleep and can reduce the quality of the sleep we do manage to get.

How Blue Light Glasses Help

Blue light glasses come to the rescue by filtering out a percentage of this blue light, particularly from artificial sources. They are often tinted with a slight yellow to counterbalance the blue light and can be worn throughout the day, especially in the hours leading up to bedtime. By reducing your exposure to blue light, these glasses aim to minimize digital eye strain and its accompanying symptoms, making screen time more comfortable for your eyes. Furthermore, by cutting down blue light interference with melatonin production, these glasses help maintain your natural sleep pattern.

What Science Says About Blue Light Glasses

Research on blue light and its effects is still growing, but some studies have shown promising results on the benefits of wearing blue light-blocking glasses. One study published in the Journal of Applied Psychology suggested that participants who wore blue light glasses showed significant improvement in both sleep quantity and quality. Another study by the University of Houston found that participants wearing blue light glasses experienced a 58% increase in their nighttime melatonin levels.

Despite these positive outcomes, it’s important to note that results can vary from person to person. Not everyone might experience the same level of benefit from blue light glasses, but for many, they could make a noticeable difference in their digital eye strain and sleep quality.

Choosing the Right Blue Light Glasses

When selecting blue light glasses, it’s crucial to consider the following factors to ensure effectiveness and comfort:

  • Lens Quality: Look for glasses with lenses that effectively filter out blue light. Many reputable brands provide a certificate or lab results showing the percentage of blue light their glasses block.
  • Comfort: Since you might be wearing these glasses for prolonged periods, ensure they fit well and are comfortable. Features such as lightweight frames and adjustable nose pads can enhance comfort.
  • Coating: Some blue light glasses come with additional coatings for anti-glare, anti-scratch, and UV protection, which can be beneficial for both screen time and general use.
  • Style: Just because they serve a health purpose doesn’t mean they can’t be stylish. There are many options available that cater to personal style preferences, so you can feel confident while wearing them.

Other Ways to Protect Your Eyes and Sleep

While blue light glasses are one solution, they can and should be part of a broader approach to eye care and sleep hygiene. Here are additional strategies you can implement:

  • Follow the 20-20-20 rule: Every 20 minutes spent using a screen, look away at something 20 feet away for a total of 20 seconds. This helps reduce eye strain.
  • Adjust screen settings: Use features like night mode on your devices during evening hours. This setting lowers blue light emission.
  • Screen distance: Keep your devices at an arm’s length away from your eyes to help reduce strain.
  • Proper lighting: Ensure your work and living areas are well-lit to avoid glare and reduce the contrast between your screen and the surrounding environment.
  • Regular eye exams: Visit your optometrist regularly to keep your eye health in check and address any vision problems.
  • Maintain a consistent sleep schedule: Go to bed and wake up at the same times every day, even on weekends, to regulate your body’s clock.
  • Limit screen time before bed: Try to avoid screens at least one hour before you plan to go to sleep.


Digital devices are indispensable in our lives, but we cannot ignore their effects on our eyes and sleep. Blue light glasses offer a simple yet effective way to mitigate the potential harms of prolonged screen exposure. Backed by some promising research, they’re becoming a smart addition to digital life, particularly for those of us who spend considerable time working or unwinding in front of screens.

Remember, while blue light glasses can be highly beneficial, they work best when combined with good eye care habits and a solid sleep routine. By adopting a comprehensive approach, we can protect our eyes, preserve our sleep quality, and enjoy our digital lives with comfort and health in mind. So if you find yourself struggling with tired eyes or sleepless nights in our screen-saturated world, consider trying out a pair of blue light glasses – your eyes and sleep might thank you for it.